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Home Photos Josie Web


Computer Home of the Valley Forge and Bay Area Rocchis, the Philadelphia Basiles and Doughertys

Welcome to our Web site!

As members of our family were venturing farther from home I wanted to develop a place to help keep everyone close.  We currently only have a few photos and e-mail.  We'll be adding more photos and eventually genealogy information as well as areas for other family members and things that are happening in their lives.

bulletWell, what will probably be the most important event in my life is finally posted on the web site.   The link above to Stella's Photos will take you to see pictures of the most beautiful human being ever to have been born!  Also, on that page will be a link to a small slide show that I put together.  A neat bit of tool that I might use again to record some of the trips and other events in our lives.    
bulletThe Photo Album will have pictures from some of our personal vacations and trips back East as well as events in my and my family's lives.  Also it will have links to some of our family history that myself and some other family members have been researching. 

If you have any suggestions as to how to improve this site please let us know.  mailto:webmaster@rocchi.net


This site was last updated on 03/11/02.